How to choose a Singing Teacher
Always try a lesson before you choose a teacher and even then, you can of course see as many teachers as you find helpful. No loyalty is needed to a teacher, be loyal to your own progress.
Below are some terms used, but not protected or well defined. Always look at what route someone has come to be calling themselves a singing teacher. Teachers and what they teach varies enormously. Every teacher, like every pupil, is different:
Singing teacher, Vocal coach, Voice lessons, Singing Tutor, Singing Coach, Voice Specialist, Classical singing lessons, Opera lessons, Singing classes, Vocal Technique, Audition preparation, Vocal Training, Professional Voice user essentials, Singing lessons for adults or children, Music Teacher.
Know your Voice thoroughly, so that you can detect any changes
Many aspects may be covered within a singing or speaking voice lesson. Some singing teachers (including me,) have had various trainings covering perceptual analysis, including how to asses if we need to ask someone to see their GP to possibly get referred to a laryngologist (ENT). Many symptoms, or changes in your voice, or how the vocal mechanism of your larynx is functioning can be heard or felt very early on by a teacher or a singer who knows their own voice very well, but must be seen by a medical expert to be diagnosed.
Subjects covered in a voice lesson could include vocal health, techniques, improvisation, aural training, intonation, sight-singing, drama coaching, character development, vocal range including high notes, power, projection, confidential voice, vocal stamina, breathing, performance anxiety, listening, rhythm, confidence, posture, theory, vocal anatomy, musical memory training, body language, speach intonation, speed, rhythm……and much more!
Working with people who have given up smoking or are recovering from Covid
Some of my pupils had Covid early on and I worked with them to get their normal breathing back as they got better. One had got into the habit of high shallow breathing which was all she could do with Covid. As the covid subsided, she was like some smokers I have taught in the past. When they give up smoking and some healing does happen, they still sometimes breath as if they are still smokers, not realising the new capacity they get back gradually after giving up. Learning to use again what has been given back as you get better is really important. If you are an ex smoker or smoker, it is even more important to know your voice (see above), as any unexplained changes lasting more than two weeks may be signs of developing medical issues which are best caught early.